The Elvis World - One Big, Happy Family?
Sadly, we have discovered today that there has been an attempt to hack into our main website and plant a virus. The hacker has caused some damage that needs to be repaired. We are working on putting things back to normal, but this may take a few days. The process is costly and time consuming, but we are hoping to have everything corrected by mid-week.
The damage was obviously caused by another Elvis organisation and we have our suspicions who is responsible. Serious investigations are taking place and we will certainly proceed with legal action if we can.
It's apparent that Essential Elvis UK is looked upon as a threat by one or two other groups / fan clubs. The hacking is an obvious sign that our success is such a major concern to another Elvis organisation that they feel threatened enough to try and cause as much damage to us as possible.
This, along with other conspiracy related events of late, has only made us stronger. We are now more determined than ever to offer fans a great service and a terrific magazine. We are stepping up our game with some incredible plans and we will be making some exciting announcements in the next few weeks.
Apart from the temporary website problem, everything is as normal and running as it should be. Please email me (editor@essentialelvis.com) or call the office (01903 525917) to make enquiries or to place orders.
Essential Elvis UK is here to stay!
Best wishes,
Andrew Hearn