As we rapidly approach the end of 2009 I find myself looking forward to a fresh year with optimism. To be perfectly honest, the last few weeks have been fairly testing as far as business is concerned. Firstly, we've had our website problems, which caused a considerable amount of damage, loss of time and cost. Now the dreaded postal strikes are adding to our problems.
As a result business has certainly been affected and as expected the rumours started to circulate around the Elvis world. Let me assure you that no matter what you may’ve heard through the grapevine, we are fighting fit and bursting with fresh ideas for the future.
Now and again a business might get hit with a series of problems that’s completely out of its control. These difficult times have certainly made us stronger and even more determined to continue to serve Elvis fans throughout the world with a fantastic magazine and a friendly mail order service.
Thankfully, I have a superb team behind me who are the best at keeping me on top form with encouragement and much needed support. Outside of my family, Mike Burton, Diane Johnston and Trevor Simpson have been extremely instrumental in steering the good ship Essential Elvis though stormy waters. Thanks to these great friends and the large number of you who contacted me with messages of appreciation.
I've realised that I've been flogging a dead horse as far as our main website is concerned. The damage that was recently done by hackers is so severe that I've decided to scrap the site and have a brand new, fresh homepage designed. In a few more days you'll be able to access a new EE:UK website that will outshine the old one. I'm very excited about what's being done and I can guarantee a terrific change when visiting us on line.
Our new magazine is due back from the printers on Friday, but guess what? The bloody postal strikes mean that we'll not be able to dispatch them until Tuesday next week. It's certainly worth waiting for. Packed with interviews, features and reviews etc., I can recommend setting aside a few hours for a brilliant read around the middle of next week.
There will soon be a BIG announcement regarding our magazine. It's a change for the better and I'm pretty sure that what we've got planned will be the talk of the Elvis world for quite some time. We'll let you know what's going on as soon as we can.
Thanks for standing by us over these last few weeks.