It's getting bad, folks!
I've just been told a fact that has completely turned my stomach. A friend who was in Memphis for BW10 earlier this months has informed me that she witnessed an impersonator greeting people INSIDE Graceland. Apparently, he was signing autographs like he was something important. It makes me feel quite ashamed.
Last January I had to witness the utterly cringe worthy sight of an awful-looking impersonator in a cheap jumpsuit on the lawn of Graceland during the BW09 ceremony on January 8th. He continuously ruined everyone's enjoyment by yelling "Satnin" to Priscilla, trying to get her attention. Incredibly, this nutcase thought that this was Elvis' nickname for Priscilla!!! Then, and most amazing of all, a huge group gathered around him to get photos and autographs blocking our way down the drive. Unreal!!!
Personally, I think EPE should put a ban on wearing jumpsuits in Graceland and on the grounds, especially the Meditation Garden. Mobile phones / cellphones too!